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Αρχείο ΔΤ 2003

1/7/03, Χαιρετισμός του Δημάρχου Χανίων στο 2nd European Bioremediation

28.08.2008 | Ώρα δημοσίευσης: 07:58

Στα πλαίσια του Second European Bioremediation Conference 30-6 έως 4-7 στο Μεγάλο Αρσενάλι στα Χανιά, ο Δήμαρχος Χανίων έκανε τον παρακάτω χαιρετισμό: Mr. Chairman, Mr. Philis, Mr. Agorastakis Members of the Second European Bioremediation Conference I would like to welcome you all in our town in this 400 years old building called “Megalo Arsenali”, which means great shipyard, that in the past has been used as City Hall, School and Hospital. We all know the importance of having a clean environment and at the same time, unfortunately, we all feel and suffer from an environment that day by day becomes less and less clean mainly, if not soly, from our actions from the way we treat our soil, our water, our air. Your conference therefore is extremely important to all of us and personally to me, because as a nephrologist I have been involved with the consequences of the pollution to the human body, and I would like to wish you all a successful and productive conference something that will, eventually, help all of us to live in a cleaner and healthier environment. In closing I want to congratulate the organizing committee for having this conference and point out that their effort to attract female researchers has indeed been a successful one.